Samklang Planning documentation


This is not yet built. We are just planning the planning tool.

We would like to take a scrum approach, but we will simplify it a bit to fit smaller organizations. Maybe we’ll extend it later.

Everything is happening around projects, and Projects are core components of Samklang.

Scrum is mainly built around running sprints. Planned features and bug reports will be created as user stories or issues (being the same thing here). If they are not assigned to a sprint, they will take part of the backlog.

Customers and project owners are usually discussing the project level, the project owner will plan sprints with the scrum-master, wishing for issues to be worked on. The project groups will estimate the issues/user stories, do the scrum planning as they usually do. The task or subtask level is mainly for the developers to plan their work into todo lists. We will keep the tasks as simple as possible.

Future Work

Everything needs to be done.

Project Versions

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